It was fantastic to see Shilpa and I was very pleased to see she had settled in really well and looked very happy. She is now turned out with a gelding called Prince and they are getting on really well, she is going to be moving in to the stable next door to him shortly.
We watched Simon ride her first schooling session in the outdoor, over jumps. Simon likes to school over jumps and teach the horse to sort themselves out, Shilpa was a bit 'oOo' at the sight of the jumps but settled down to work really well. It's a lovely set up, the outdoor school is a few minutes hack away up a quiet country lane, Shilpa left the yard happily on her own and wasn't bothered by cars, she does however have a bit of a dislike of cows but I'm sure she will get used to them.
A couple of pictures from this morning:
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