Tuesday 4 June 2013

Sunny Day Out In Wiltshire

I popped over to Simon Earle's today to see how new girl Money Maid was settling in and also to check on Shilpa's leg injury.  Racing Club member Emma also came along to have a look at Maisey and ride Benny.  While we were there Simon very kindly invited us to watch a couple of sessions up the all weather gallop at Horses First and we got some great photos.

Simon and Homer Run

We drove alongside the all weather and Emma bravely leant out of the window to get a few shots.  Needless to say the horses got to the top quicker than we did, my car is not really designed for fast off road although it gave it a good go.

Hannah on Benozzo Gozzoli and Simon on Homer Run


We also got a bit of video as well:

The horses all looked great, Shilpa is coping well with her box rest and new girl Rosie has settled in well and will be joining the rest of the gang soon.